LaPlante Gives Thanks!

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As a company, we feel very grateful to our clients and residents who put their trust in us to provide real estate services and homes. With Thanksgiving upon us, we want to share some of the things our staff is grateful for this year.

I am thankful for my children who make everyday better.

– Katie

I am thankful to be able to provide food and housing to the person that means the most – my daughter.

– Erin

I am thankful for wonderful family and friends. They motivate me to be the very best that I can be and support my decisions.

– Abbey

I am thankful for life and family.

– Allen

I am thankful for the people in my life. I’m grateful for the way we all show up for each other and genuinely make life worth living.

– Amy
heather kolar

That my family has the chance to spend so much time together right now.

– Heather

I am thankful for my family and my life.

– Kathryn
Kathryn headshot
dominic murphy

I am very thankful for the people that are around me. From family, to work, to friends, and even my 2 dogs. I have the best support system that never seems to let me down, and without them, I am nothing. These people continually show me the most support day in and day out, and that is what I am most thankful for.

– Dominic

I’m grateful for the wonderful people in my life, including family, friends and colleagues. I’m one lucky person!

– Nick
nick pinotti

I’m thankful to be alive and well. During this pandemic I’ve done a great job of keeping myself happy and healthy, and for that I’m so grateful.

– Sarah

My family – My husband is so helpful and supportive. My kids are the greatest gifts I’ll ever receive.

– Lindsey
lindsey shannon

I always start my day with a little gratitude as soon as my feet hit the floor. But lately, I have been very grateful for my mom who is constantly reminding me to be the best person that I can be and keeps me grounded during these crazy and stressful times. Despite not being local, she makes it a point of calling every day. It makes me realize how lucky and fortunate I am to have her.

– Mike

I’m thankful for Jesus. He’s the calm in the midst of the storm. He makes everything right. No matter what’s going on in my life or the world I can always say it is well with my soul because of Him.

– Janeile
Janeile Cudjoe-Myers
Mike Leu

I’m thankful to have and understand my purpose. At the same time I’m able to share my purpose with the world. That to me is a life worth living.

– Mike

My family – I am thankful for them because of how close we are. I can really talk to them about anything going on in my life. Doesn’t matter if it’s a good thing or bad; I know my family will always have my back.

– El

I’m thankful for having a happy and healthy family.

– Theo

We hope you have a healthy and happy Thanksgiving!

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