LaPlante agents Mike Mocek, Abbey Overcashier and Dave Poeppelmeier were recently recognized by the Board of Ohio Realtors and the Northwest Ohio Realtors for their 2021 sales volume and given real estate sales awards.
What makes these sales awards so noteworthy is that each one of them also have dual roles in the office – Mike working in operations, Abbey in leasing and Dave as a relationship manager.
Congratulations to Mike, Abbey and Dave!

Mike Mocek
Mike received the 2021 Award of Distinction from the Northwest Ohio Realtors for making over $2.5 million in sales.
He also received the Ohio REALTORS President’s Sales Club (PSC) award. This makes him one of the top 10% of Ohio’s real estate professionals.
When he was notified, Mike said, “I was surprised but also excited. It was the moment I felt like my job had a bigger meaning. Looking back at all of the people that I have met, that I have came in contact with and all of the properties that I have looked at was so overwhelming. Then I started thinking back at the bigger picture, the properties that have been improved, the neighborhoods that are now safer and the families who have a home.”
Abbey Overcashier
Abbey received the 2021 Award of Achievement from the Northwest Ohio Realtors for making over $1 million in sales.
As a busy mom and leasing manager, Abbey was focused on working towards this goal. So it was no surprise that she reached this sales goal for the first time and won this award.
We’re all proud of Abbey and her dedication to her work as a real estate agent.

Dave Poeppelmeier
Dave received the 2021 Award of Achievement from the Northwest Ohio Realtors for making over $1 million in sales.
He also received the Ohio REALTORS President’s Sales Club (PSC) award. This makes him one of the top 10% of Ohio’s real estate professionals.
Dave is also an investor that specializes in student housing. This was his first year as a REALTOR so he was surprised he met the qualifications.
“Seriously, it’s been fun helping other investors like myself buy property in Toledo.”
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