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Introducing LaPlante Excellence

In the early days, we had this process that we called simply “The LaPlante Way” and it involved constant evaluation and change, without fear of starting over, until we knew we had it right. 

Today, we have several handfuls of associates and hundreds of clients. We have a defined company culture, core values, conference rooms and training events. And, we still have the LaPlante Way… but it has evolved into LaPlante Excellence!

For us, LaPlante Excellence means that we perpetually challenge ourselves to be better. It’s a focus on our potential that is deliberate in the service we provide to our clients ,as well as to each other. Excellence is the creative energy that we choose to nurture that inspires growth and positive change. 

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We represent the concept of LaPlante Excellence with an L*. The 8 points on the star serve as a visual reminder of the LaPlante 8 Core Values, and our continual and perpetual aspirations to uphold them. These values shape the company and can impact each of us in deep and personal ways as we navigate our roles within LaPlante. The star is always rising, always guiding the “L”, and is representative of the organization’s commitment to our shared vision.

LaPlante Excellence is not a process or something we do with checklists and paperwork. It’s defined by people— the people that provide the foundation of all that we do. It’s the conscious act of caring, and of service in a perpetual state of improvement, carried out by the humans that choose to make it possible. 

LaPlante Excellence is a deliberate activity by choice.  Great things can be nurtured when people choose to work through what is messy and make it meaningful. 


Service • Leadership • Accountability • Authenticity • Commitment • Teamwork • Respect • Excellence



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